Saturday, October 30, 2010

L-Glutathione Skin Whitening Before and After

Well, sometimes I do random research on skin care on the internet. I'm really obsessed with my skin and one of the things I research is skin whitening. Yes, a lot of people find it strange skin whitening but in a lot of Asian cultures skin whitening is as common as tanning. A lot of people think its racist or that Asians want to look like Caucasians. Not at all... back than paler skin meant you were wealthy and you didn't have to work in the fields. So its basically its about class. Pale skin meant you were wealthy enough to stay indoors and stuff and it has been internalized in most Asian cultures today. 
Anyways, I stumbled on these L-Glutathione pills that are suppose to lighten your skin. I didn't really find any legit before and after images so I had a thought to try it myself. Now when it comes to ingesting things I'm very cautious. The instructions that came with pills say that you need to take two times the amount of vitamin C. So, for example you take 500 mg of L-Glutathione you take 1000 mg of of Vitamin C and you take 2~3 L-Glutathione pills per day (depending on your weight). Now, this freaked me out cause that seemed too much. But the most vitamin C you can take per day is like around 10,000 mg because its water soluble and comes out of your urine. Basically, Vitamin C doesn't stay in your system too long. (Vitamin C also produces collagen horray!~)  L-Glutathione is a very strong antibiotic that prevents damage to very important cellular components like free radicals and stuff like that and I also heard it repairs DNA. I'm not an expert or anything so if you have questions you can ask me but you should also consult a dermatologist or doctor.

So, here are my pictures over 4 weeks unedited. I think there was one picture I took a week +1 day I don't know... Plus I really didn't notice that wore the same shirt in week 2 and week 3... That might spark some controversy but its been cold here and that's the only long sleeve I like wearing at night. 

Day 1

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4
There you go!
I've seen a lot of people that say it doesn't work but I guess it didn't work for them. Its working for me and I like it. It made my skin feel softer and helped control my acne actually. Also, depending on your skin it'll work faster or slower. Plus you should always wear sunblock! I use SPF 70...Sorry for the end to be sorta sloppy. Also I heard that L-Glutathione works faster if you inject it but I really dislike needles...

For anyone wondering what brand of pills I was using it was BeauOxi White Glutathione 5 in 1 from